Sunday, 5 December 2010

'CREATIVE HISTORIES & INDUSTRIES' - Broadsheet Arts Coverage

The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph and The Financial Times

Every paper I have looked at has had some degree of lifestyle and celebrity content, and in each paper this content has superseded the visual arts for space. Given the status of visual art as a niche interest this is understandable. Each paper also takes a unique approach to its visual arts coverage; the Times marginalising it in favour of more populist celebrity and television coverage, the Guardian ‘celebratising’ the visual arts themselves, the Telegraph maintaining an old-fashioned, perhaps reactionary stance and
the Financial Times embracing a modern, but safe, jazz-era critique. How, though, will these approaches transition from the analogue to digital realm? If the Guardian and Times are bringing a casual, celebrity approach to their arts coverage, does this imply that the more traditional Telegraph or Financial Times might become redundant?