Friday, 22 October 2010

'CREATIVE HISTORIES & INDUSTRIES' - drug of consumerism

Dame Vivienne Westwood, a British fashion designer and businesswomen.
Best known for and largely responsible for bringing modern punk and new wave fashions into mainstream.
I've decided to post a blog about this excentric lady because I feel she pushes the boundries of 'mainstream' fashion.
Its as much about well tailored suits as it is cultural influences.
As a political activist she's joined forces with Liberty - the British civil rights group and launched a limited selection of tshirts bearing the slogan 'I AM NOT A TERRORIST, please don't arrest me' illustrating that fashion is not just about style but about communicating with the world whether it be representing culture or something not directly linked to fashion like climate change.
Shes most famous for her style of branding; Westwoods branding is entirely built around her own personality and charisma as a designer. Over time the brand and its 'orb' logo has become the designers identity. The amazing thing about her is that she controls her own branding, although graphic designers are at the route of the initial design process the brand is totally revolved around her and her fashion line.
Although still an independant and relatively small organisation/company, Vivienne Westwood has unconsiously managed to create a graphic identity that is focused, instantly recognizable and cosistent throughout her collections; it's this that makes her so iconic.

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