Sunday, 23 January 2011

'CREATIVE HISTORIES & INDUSTRIES' - Postmodernism: Space and Time

- We live in a 'postmodern society'.
- 'Postmodernity' is a key concept within contemporary art & design circles.
- 'Postmodernism' can't be understood in isolation from 'modernism'.
- Some theorists argue that postmodernism is merely an extension of modernism.
- Modernism is an extension of enlightenment.
- Enlightenment thought is that the universe is rational and can be understood through reason; education   can improve a person.
- Modernism was concerned with evidencing progression.
- Nationalism was a source of conflict to Modernism.

Fine art became increasingly apolitical, avant-guarde and abstract. In 1942 utility wear was introduced due to clothing and footwear rations from 1941. Laws were introduced to make it illegal and unpatriotic to use excess cloth or embellishment on items of clothing. The phrase "make do and mend" was prominent in encouraging people to appreciate what they already had. Modernism struggled to survive World War 2. It was seen as inhumane and restrictive. These utilitarian principles didn't allow for personal opinions or influences.

- Postmodernism originally described an architectural style.
- Concerned with decoration and playfulness. It was "style over content."
- Frequent references to the past.
- Postmodernist theorists included Baudrillard, Derrida, Foucault, Heidegger and Lyotard.
- Postmodern identity is influenced through lifestyle choices and the selection or consumption of commodities.
- Identity is not fixed or stable. It can be rewritten.

- Taste is an ideological construct.
- Changes in what is considered fashionable determined what is considered good and bad taste.
- 'Conspicuous Consumption' and 'Conspicuous Leisure', not about function but about status.

Symbolic value of association, ie. Busta Ryhmes advertising Crovoisier. Commercialising street style, eg. people wearing combs in their hair which then appeared on a catwalk. Run DMC and Kanye West write music that isn't 'just protest songs.' Always write about the power of the individual. Identities are performed.
Advertising was developed as a by-product of the industrial revolution. It marked the start of the modern world, beginning in the late 1700s.

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