Sunday, 23 January 2011


The science of sign systems. The way we understand communication. Semiotics and structuralism suggests you can look at anything and view it as a text, which can be structurally analysed. A semaphore is something like flags that symbolise the alphabet.
Iconic signs look like what they signify, e.g photo's.
Indexical signs refer to other knowledge, e.g clouds hold rain.
Symbolic signs refer to where the meaning is only due to convention, e.g flags.

After watching Pink's 'stupid girls' music video, I started to notice the types of semiotics in the media. Throughout the video there are references to gender types and what is classed as 'good and bad'; these are referenced through sign systems and language. The difference in cultures are shown through the use of 'mocking' popular culture. Without even referencing Paris Hilton, the use of coffee, pet dogs wearing clothes and reckless driving allows the audience to probably unknowingly make a connection to her. The use of locations such a as tanning salon and gym are places people aim to improve their appearence which again reinforces the culture.

Structualism - the signifier and signified, breaking down and analysing things.
Poststructuralism - you have to involve and rely on other knowledge to understand. For example the painting by Marcus Harvey called Myra (1995).

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