Sunday, 30 October 2011


It is difficult for 'us' as creative practitioners to define ourselves in terms of type and to define our practice in terms of Modern, Postmodern and Post-Postmodern. Whilst in the current movement 'now', it makes it challenging to define and find our category in terms of creative movements until the 'now'/present has passed. 
In the Modernist movement, creative practitioners were confinded to boundaries and rules, unlike the Postmodern movement where boundaries no longer exsisted. The drive for many Postmodern practioners was/is to break these boundaries set and invent new aproaches in their creative fields. When looking at Modernism as a reaction to Romanticism and Romanticism following the Age of Enlightenment it could be explained that these movements act as reactions to the periods prior to them

When thinking about what a Postmodern practitioner is, I find the best way of explaining the foundations to Postmodern artists/practitioners is that they aim to develop and creative 'different' work, work that steps over and or disregards any remaining boundaries from the Modernism movement. It can often be explained using the 'sense of reality' and how different movements in Art view and portray reality in very different ways.
"In contrast, postmodernism champions the value of individual and personal interpretations. Again, while Postmodern Elegy integrates elements of cubism, surrealism, and expressionism, the artwork does not try to elucidate the world at large in terms of an authoritative interpretation. On the contrary, Postmodern Elegy or Love and Art, like other postmodern works, requires that viewers add their own interpretations for the work to be meaningful. Rather than assert absolutes, postmodern works of art elicit individual interpretations, personal stories of responsive consciousness."

Rough Essay Plan: 'What is a Postmodern practitioner?'
1. Introduction
2. History: Modernism movement, brief timeline, where we are now
3. Definition of Postmodernism: Clement Greenberg/ Postmodern Art, Francis Berry
4. Arguing whether we are in the Postmodernism period now
5. Examples of Postmodernist practioners, artists etc
6. Questioning what 'movement' is to come?
7. Evaluating types of Postmodernism practioners

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